Armageddon 2014
Armageddon 2014 ASB Showgrounds Auckland
Wow what an atmosphere it was electric with people in the thousands buzzing every where it certainly was a surreal experience for my 1st Armageddon attendance.
AFK (Away from the Keyboard)
I was privelligeded to attend the screening of AFK pilot short film for its web series Dir by Peter Haynes and see the guys and girls in force in their amazing costumes from the film
Guerrilla Filmmaking:
Also I was equally lucky to attend the wonderful talks by Dimi Nakov from ARA John Rattcliffe from Last Star (which i was an extra in) and Jonathon Rayner-Burt from Stella 459
Stella 459
Stella 459 Official Trailer
From ARA Web page on facebook
This is Our Awesome Guerrilla Filmmaking / Sci-Fi panel Event photo Collage for Armageddon Expo 2014. Thank you all again for coming and RedCarpetNZ.TV for the awesome backdrops and the curating of the event. ARA Team.
This is the teaser trailer for ARA which is in post production
anyone can find us: ARA Facebook Page: GIVE US A LIKE... ARA IMDb Page: ARA Twitter Page:
We Are on the look out the following to help with Post production
if you are 3D/2D VFX compositor or modellers click on this link to get involved: ARA Post Production Team are Looking for VFX Co-Ordinator/Supervisor & 3DVFX Compositors...More details at the link below: Stage32 Link :
Stage 32 | fade in
Barry Duffield
On a different note it was an honor to finally meet up with my friend Barry Dufield and hear about his latests and ongoing projects feel free to help support Barry by buying one of his books the Deadmans Land
Starwars Outcasts
And finally but not least It was great to see my friends from the Waikato In full regellia represent themselves as the characters form there web series Starwars Outcasts
Also check out the footage from Red carpet TV at Armageddon 2014