FGN Inc Anual General Meeting
It was fantastic to go up to Auckland and become the newest member of the FGN Inc group.
I met with new friends and had a magical night with friendly,enthusiastic members of the group who are all passionate about what the love the art of filmmaking .
So what is all about:
FilmMakers Generation Next Incorporated
Engaging the next generation of filmmakers. FGN Inc. has become the fastest growing film network in New Zealand...FilmMakers Generation Next Incorporated is Connecting FilmMakers World-Wide....
" We Share info,Experience and Networks...
We Write,Shoot,Cut,Survive and ENJOY making movies....."
Join and become the next generation of filmmakers.
JOIN FGN Inc. ON VIMEO: FGN Inc Vimeo Channel:
https://vimeo.com/channels/filmmakersgenerationext FGN Inc Vimeo Group: https://vimeo.com/groups/fgnincgroup FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/#!/FilmMakersGNXT FGN Inc's objective is to inspire,motivate and provide film-makers with valuable, helpful, up to date, useful information as well as serving as a platform where film-makers can connect with one another
.New members can use all the collective information provided by FGN Inc and its current members to encourage and motivate our members to strive for the best towards the creation of their own master pieces.
FGN Inc members can share their work and knowledge with the world and hopefully make it a better place for the Next Generations.
Copyright FGN Inc 2009-2014..All Rights Reserved..
If you would like to become a member or affilated member of FGN Inc click on the link below